The Digitalist Team
April 30, 2021

We held our Swiss Smart Metering workshop on April 22.


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“Secure, not just smart – smart metering devices of 2021”

We held our first Swiss Smart Metering workshop on April 22. 2021. Our aim was to share practical information and recommendations for Smart Meter Manufacturers according to the Swiss Data Security Examination processes. We intended to provide as much support as possible to manufacturers who set out to obtain METAS certification in the near future, while at the same time introducing them to the Common Criteria Protection Profile for Smart Meter Security at first hand.

It was great to see how this occasion gathered industry professionals together to discuss tips and tricks for a successful and smooth cybersecurity evaluation process of Smart Metering Devices. The number and the professional diversity of the participants exceeded our expectations. Thanks to this, our workshop was a very interactive forum, we received many professional questions to discuss during the event and also in the Q&A session.

In the workshop our speakers talked about the preparation, the pre-evaluation, the document and hardware evaluation’s pitfalls and shared some useful tips and tricks as well.

Beside CCLab information security professionals, Mr. Willem Strabbing, Technical Director from ESMIG and Mr. Michael Staudinger, Board member of SWISSMIG also presented as guest speakers.

In addition to many useful information on setting rules for Security of Smart Metering Mr. Staudinger spoke about the process from legislation to the certification. Mr. Strabbing presented the European approach for Smart Meter security certification, including the common requirements, the process of the PP creation and its current status.

„It was an honor that so many people showed interest in our workshop and we were able to share with them our evaluation experiences of the last 2 years” – Imre Fodor, Head of Laboratory, CCLab

Based on the feedback, we held a useful and well-structured workshop, so we plan to organize another soon.  We hope all participants learned some practical ideas and enjoyed the event.

If you missed our workshop, please contact us and we will share the details.

Related downloadables

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Checklist for Swiss Smart Metering Cybersecurity Evaluations

Checklist for Swiss Smart Metering Cybersecurity Evaluations

Get your FREE A-Z supporting material for smart meter security standards. Learn more about the Swiss METAS data security evaluation projects of smart metering devices.

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Swiss Smart Metering Data Security pre-evaluation process infographicsSwiss Smart Metering Data Security pre-evaluation process infographics

Swiss Smart Metering Data Security pre-evaluation process infographics

Swiss Smart Metering Data Security pre-evaluation process infographics

This downloadable infographics introduces you to the Swiss Smart Metering data security pre-assessment process of METAS certification.

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