
Who we are

CCLab Ltd. was founded in 2013 as an agile, ISO 17025 accredited cybersecurity laboratory primarily to work in Common Criteria evaluations and consultations.

It has been accredited by OCSI, Certification Body of the Italian Scheme since 2015 and by BSI, the German CB since 2022. CCLab conducted many successful Common Criteria evaluation and consultation projects and the number keeps increasing in size and quality continuously each year.

In 2023 CClab has joined the QIMA group, a global Testing, Inspection and Certification player, operating in more than 100 countries from 60 offices and labs. Within its consumer goods division, QIMA offers specific conformity assessment services to the electrical & electronics industry and has an extensive global client base of IoT device brands and manufacturers, for which there is a growing need for cybersecurity compliance assessment, training and consulting expertise.

Since 2019 CCLab has become one of the leading accredited laboratories in cybersecurity evaluations of smart metering devices for the energy industry. Among others we have great experience in data security evaluations in Switzerland under the METAS certification scheme.

We are actively supporting different industries (ICS, automotive, medical, etc...) with additional information/data security-related services for organizations and product lines as well as risk assessment, gap analysis, penetration, and vulnerability tests.

Agility makes us different - The agile methodology we use during our evaluation projects is a great benefit to our clients both financially and time-wise.
Together with other major players in the TIC (Testing, Inspection, and Certification) sector CCLab joined QTICS Group in 2021. The international expansion of this group of companies has been successful and continuous since then.

CCLab’s experts have a high level of technical competence in cybersecurity, and also a great experience in providing the necessary proficiency that our clients need during consultation and evaluation processes.

Company in numbers

successful evaluations
months to finish an EAL 4+ evaluation
cybersecurity testing laboratories
satisfied clients


Our Management

Ferenc Molnár

Ferenc Molnár

Founder & CEO

Ferenc is the founder and CEO of CCLab. He is a renowned businessman, and co-founder of QTICS Group and of other enterprises in the IT industry. He is a teacher, programmer, mathematician, and a very well experienced and organized manager.

Dr. Katalin Szűcs

Dr. Katalin Szűcs

COO & Head of Legal

Katalin is a highly experienced legal expert with 15+ years of management experience. Within the IT security field she has most detailed insights of PKI and digital signature solutions. Her strong background in technical project management and deep understanding of Common Criteria regulations gives her insights into the challenges of a CC evaluation process. 

Gergely Bakos

Gergely Bakos

Head of Certification

Gergely is responsible for cybersecurity certification at CCLab-QIMA. He has 25 years of experience in the conformity assessment of electrical and electronic products. Gergely has worked in various positions, from laboratory test engineer, inspector, auditor, and certifier to the Head of the Hungarian national certification body and member body. In addition to these roles, he has also gained experience in market access services, particularly through the IECEE CB Scheme.

Levente Cseh

Levente Cseh

Sales Manager

Levente is an Electrical Engineer and the main point of contact regarding commercial and business development challenges throughout CCLab's portfolio.

He has an extensive knowledge in Computer Networking, especially Wireless Networks and NG Firewalls.

Jonatán Bodó

Jonatán Bodó

Cybersecurity Consultant

Jonatan is a Business Informatics Engineer and the main point of contact regarding commercial and business development challenges throughout CCLab's portfolio. Besides his supportive consultation skills, he is experienced in the fields of Business Analytics, with extensive knowledge in cryptography, identity management and artificial intelligence.

Meet other members
of our extraordinary team!

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Contributions to the

Our aim is to help the cybersecurity profession by active contribution to the interpretation work. CCLab participates in international associations and working groups.

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ISCI (International Security Certification Initiative) Working Group 1

ENISA (European Union Agency for Cybersecurity)
1. Ad Hoc Working Group

EUROSMART - The voice of the Digital Industry

Laboratory Accreditations

CCLab is an internationally acknowledged evaluation facility under the Italian Common Criteria Scheme.

Our certification was issued by OCSI (Organismo di Certificatione della Sicurezza Informatica) under the registration number:
No. 1/2018 with the official name


CCLab is an acknowledged testing laboratory. Our Laboratory accredited under  ISO/IEC 17025:2018 by NAH (Nemzeti Akkreditáló Hatóság) under the number:

Our official EUCC (European Union Common Criteria) accrediation document (NAH-1-1815/2022) can be found here


CCLab Ltd., in collaboration with QIMA Germany, is one of the first international National Certification Bodies (NCB) and CB Testing Laboratories (CBTL) to receive accreditation under the IECEE (International Electrotechnical Commission System for Conformity Testing and Certification of Electrical Equipment) CB (Certification Bodies) scheme for ETSI EN 303 645 standard - “Cybersecurity for Consumer IoT devices (CIoT)”- as well as the IEC 62443-4-1 and 4-2 standards for industrial automation and control systems.
