The Digitalist Team
April 20, 2021

Landis+Gyr METAS certificate


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We are proud to announce that METAS issued one of the first certificates for our client, Landis+Gyr based on the Swiss cybersecurity certification scheme for Smart Metering system components.

Landis+Gyr was the first supplier to receive data security certification from the Federal Institute for Metrology (METAS) for a G3-PLC data concentrator on 16th March 2021. A few weeks later Landis+Gyr’s E450 smart meter and  Head-End-System HES were equally certified resulting in Landis+Gyr now covering the complete chain of a smart metering system in an end-to-end certified solution. METAS-Cert carries out data security examinations for intelligent measuring systems. The examinations are based on the “Prüfmethodologie” covering the protection requirements analysis for smart metering in Switzerland.

CCLab was chosen to be the independent third-party information security laboratory for the project. The industry leader in energy management, Landis+Gyr entrusted CCLab in 2019 to evaluate 3 components by the Swiss Smart Metering protection requirements:

  1. E450  is a residential Advanced Meter with an integrated PLC modem,
  2. DC450 is a new generation intelligent Data Concentrator for large scale meter reading and controlling applications and
  3. the HES which is an interoperable Head End System that provides a communication and data collection layer between the smart meter infrastructure and the utility.

This new certification is a decisive step in giving Swiss utility companies that are currently preparing for the smart meter rollout planning security. The end-to-end solution provides all the requirements for safe operation over the entire service life of the devices. In this way, it can always be adapted to future threat scenarios in order to minimize any security risks as far as possible.

„CCLab was well prepared, flexible during the whole evaluation process, and supported us with continuous communication and guidance. Many lessons were learnt during the project and CCLab has always been looking for solutions, supporting our developers the best way they could. The new Swiss evaluation methodology was a good and professional basis to work with, but both parties had to learn how to deal with it ”  Thierry Bonda, Domain Expert Switzerland at Landis+Gyr
“Being a pioneer is always full of challenges. We are extremely proud that Landis+Gyr, a leading global provider of integrated energy management solutions for the utility sector, has chosen us as security lab for the Data Security Certification from METAS. As a result of this project, Landis+Gyr is one of the first ones getting the certificate issued by METAS in Switzerland.  - Imre Fodor, Head of Laboratory CCLab”

Learn more about Landis+Gyr

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Swiss Smart Metering Data Security pre-evaluation process infographics

Swiss Smart Metering Data Security pre-evaluation process infographics

This downloadable infographics introduces you to the Swiss Smart Metering data security pre-assessment process of METAS certification.

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