Andrea Boros

Common Criteria Document Evaluator

Baking has become more than just a hobby for me - it's a way to connect with others and share a piece of my heart. I can’t see myself ever giving up this passion for baking.

I've loved baking and making cakes since I turned 20, skipping the mom phase and jumping straight into the grandma phase. One of my favorite things is watching the reactions of people who eat my pastries and cakes—their smiles and delight make all the effort worth it. I’ve enjoyed experimenting with flavors and decorations from fluffy cupcakes to elaborate multi-layered cakes.

Recently, I started baking sourdough bread thanks to a dear colleague who gave me some starters. At first, I panicked and treated it like a newborn baby, unsure of what to do. I spent hours reading about feeding schedules and proper care. Now, I'm on a journey to bake the perfect sourdough bread. I've learned to love the process of nurturing the starter, watching it bubble and grow, and experimenting with different recipes and techniques. It's the healthiest option for myself and my family, packed with natural probiotics and nutrients.

Baking has become more than just a hobby for me—it's a way to connect with others and share a piece of my heart. I can’t see myself ever giving up this passion for baking.

Andrea Boros